Understand The Surface Preparation And Painting Procedures of Aluminum Gantries
Just before painting the Aluminum Gantries, the manufacturers deburr all the components, descaling them with power tools. They equip these tools with wire wheels and sanding discs. In the next step, they wash the components through utilization of high-temperature or high-pressure degreaser solutions. These are biodegradable solutions. They wipe the parts clean and let them free to dry prior to the painting process. While painting the crane, they coat every component surface with a quick and smooth enamel, which is dry and semi-glossy. They apply the enamel to dry films, whose minimum thickness is around 2-3 mils.
The next step
After surface coating of Aluminum Gantries, they apply a finishing coat to a hot, electrostatic, airless spray paint system. They also cure the painted components at regular air temperature. The manufacturers also prepare a comprehensive safety checklist for customers and workers. To avoid any type of accident while using these cranes, don’t lift anything that exceeds the rated capacity. Don’t adjust the crane height or dismantle it when its under load. Don’t load the gantry when it’s on an incline. Don’t pull or push the crane with any vehicle or a forklift. Don’t allow the equipment load to roll or swing against its foundation or support members.
More on the checklist
While using Aluminum Gantries, make sure you’re not anchoring its legs to the ground/floor. Don’t push the crane after fully assembling it. When you move the crane, keep the load in close proximity to the floor. Position or place the load close to the I beam or right in the middle of it. You need to ensure that the load directly falls under the beam before you lift the same. Don’t full the crane sideways. Make sure you don’t attach the load to the floor. Remove any unnecessary parts or obstacles that prevent lifting or/and transportation.
Using the right way
To make sure that Aluminum Gantries remain in their pristine condition, secure the hoist and trolley in the I-beam’s center when you adjust the height. You must make the repairs or/and adjustments in an area that sees the least interference or mingling with crane operation. To impede the trolley from falling off the beam or running off it, don’t use stops that don’t have an end. Bolt them strongly and keep them in one place. Never stand under the crane when you’re disassembling it or adjusting its height. It’s the most basic thing, yet so many people keep repeating the mistake.
Maintenance is crucial
When you move the legs in an inward manner, make sure that the distance between two A-frames in the crane is not less than the wheels or the width of the caster frame. It’s not less than 50% of the I-beam’s total length. A portable or fixed height aluminum gantry crane is the perfect tool for a wide range of industries that include production and maintenance. You can easily manage the aluminum design. Assembling it for immediate use is very easy. Its fixed height is ideal for working in a semi-permanent or permanent workstation, where surroundings don’t change much. To read more Click Here